Doffin Extractor
This application is open source and available on GitHub
Doffin is the Norwegian Database for public procurements. All public entities are required to announce their purchases above a minimum sum on this site Doffin
As a little coding experiment in Go I have created an extractor that downloads active procurements in a json file. This file is processed into to a struct and the Cobra command line processor is used to create a search command set.
There is no binary, so you will have to install Go and compile the project for your OS.
The application makes it possible to quickly search for similar procurements: by purchaser, heading or content.
Example scanning bids posted in the past 10 days:
%doffin_extractor recent 10 2024/01/03 21:14:40 Searching for newer than 10 Records matched: 20
Anbud ID: 2023-103261 Tittel: Entreprise K202 Bygningsmessige tømrerarbeid og montasje, Snekkerverksted på parkeringsdekket i Sentralblokken ved Haukeland sjukehus, Helse Bergen HF Anskaffelsens formål er å inngå kontrakt med Entreprenør for utførelse av Bygningsmessige tømrerarbeid og montasje i tilknytning til etablering av nytt snekkerverksted i Sentralblokken ved Haukeland sjukehus, Helse Bergen HF. Publisert: 27.12 2023 Frist: 19.01 2024 Kjøper: SYKEHUSINNKJØP HF Status: ACTIVE URL: